One of the things we started doing very early on was meditating. I had some healing work done on me and he taught me how to meditate. I had my girls over from my bible study and we taught it to them. I asked anyone who wanted to meditate with me throughout the day, to send me a text/email saying that. The more good vibes coming me way, the better. I have about 27 people on two different threads on my phone. I text that I am about to meditate in five minutes, text again to start, and then we all meditate. I started off saying when I was done, but stopped doing that. However long you want to or are able to meditate is perfect. It is pretty cool. I have not really been a meditator even though I have tried several times. I have done some research on it and there is no perfect way. No wrong way. Some of the best teachers have said they are not good at it. It is all about the effort.
I have had several friends confide in me that they, of course, started this to help me, but it has helped them. They feel a calmness after it is done. It brings tears to my eyes. Here I was feeling guilty for asking my friends to help me with yet another thing, and they are benefitting from it. Love that.
If you do not believe in positive thinking and visualization, I am sure this will sound whack-a-do to you, but I do believe. And if you need proof, here I am. I received a clear scan after 3 months when my doctors said I wouldn't ever get rid of it. So visualize away.
The way my friends and I meditate is this way (there are many different ways):
Sit in a comfortable position. Feet should be grounded on the floor/ground. Close your eyes. Hands on legs/knees in a comfortable position. Take in a deep breath for 7 counts. While you are doing this, picture energy from the earth entering your body to your heart. Hold for a second or two. Then release for a count of 7 back to the earth. Do this until you are in a restful state. I usually see a white light after a few minutes of this.
Next, picture energy coming from above and God entering your head and going to your heart for a count of 7. Hold for a couple seconds. Then release it back to the earth for a count of 7. Again, do this until you feel calm or see a light.
Lastly, picture energy coming from above and the earth at the same time to your heart. And it stays there for a count of 7. I usually picture my heart bursting and clearing my body of any foreign objects.
Sometimes I meditate for 7 minutes, sometimes for 20. Just depends on the day and distractions.
During this whole time, I picture a healthy, pink brain. I have been told that our brains are actually grey. Either one is fine. I truly believe in this.
My friend, B, sent me a great picture to use. I had my BIL print it and I look at it before I close my eyes to visualize.
And then M sent me this awesome hat. It is a brain. How cool is this? Another way to visualize!
When they told me I had to wait 3 months before we can scan and find out if the radiation worked, all I thought was, "Good. More time to meditate and visualize." So if you want to join us, let me know. I should get the date of my scan soon. I think we have another 6 or 8 weeks left. Lots of time to meditate and visualize a clear brain.