

Friday, March 18, 2016

Chemo Update

I had my appointment 15 days after I started my chemo pills.  A mandatory appointment to talk over side effects and how your body is handling everything.  My lovely side effects have been nausea, tingling in the face and extremities, swelling of the face, tightening in the chest (but below the breast area - very strange), muscle cramps in legs and fingers, muscle loss, fatigue, insomnia, and did I mention the fatigue?  I am also having burning on the bottom of the feet.  It isn't horrible, but after a walk, it feels like I have burned the bottom of my feet on hot sand AND then from the sun.  Hahm said that this could be an indication that we need to reduce the amount of pills.  I called today and we will see what they say.

But, even though it may sound bad, it hasn't been too bad.  There have been 3 days where, for about 5 hours, I have felt pretty bad.  I just sit down, drink lots of water, eat if I can, and then it is gone.  And I feel great.  I have had some really great days.  The boys and I have been slowing down and just  playing.

We will rescan on April 13.  At that point, we will decide what to do next.  Since we will have an all clear, that should mean that we would stop the chemo pills and monitor.  Hahm believes I will be on this chemo on and off for the rest of my life (until I am 90!), but I am already meditating on it being complete healing so that won't happen.

Thank you for the emails, texts, FB messages, cards, gift cards, help with the boys, food, positive thoughts, prayers, and love.  I feel them and appreciate them.

Have a great weekend!