

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Tijuana - Day 21

Today is Sunday.  My last day.  I have received my box of Rigvir.  I cannot close my suitcase.  I am either going to smoosh it in there tomorrow morning or switch everything around and put it in my cloth bag I bought here.  Don't want to do that though.  Don't trust a cloth bag that would possibly pop open and have the Rigvir get lost.  That would stink!  Maybe some packing tape around the suitcase just in case.  Could use some new luggage anyway...

I decided to go for one last run today.  The weather was perfect.  76 degrees.  Went the same way I did yesterday where I ended up on the boardwalk most of the way.  About 1/4 of a mile in, my toe catches one of the board and I go flying like Superman - left arm out.  It hurt.  A LOT!  Two families stopped to help.  One gentleman offered his hand and helped me up.  In broken English, he said something about the boards.  They asked if I was okay and I said yes.  And I kept running, but ran back to Hope4Cancer to get doctored up.  It hurt like the dickens.  We put whatever it is they clean my PIC line with, some ointment, and a bandage and off I went.

After my run and a quick trip to Walmart for balloons and sharpies (139 pesos), a bunch of us decided to write on balloons and release them.  I wrote things I was looking forward to and things I was ready to let go and leave here.  We then took turns letting them go from the boardwalk.  It was pretty cathartic.

Had my last dinner: stuffed zucchini with quinoa, peppers, onions, garlic, and sauce.  Potatoes and a small salad.  Had a second one sent to my room.  I said you should get cookies on your last night.  No such luck.

Just had my pic line taken out.  Took about five minutes.  I am officially free!

I can't get pictures to load. Will send when I get home.  That's tomorrow if you didn't know!

I have packed up as much as I can.  Changed my bandaid and put Collodial Silver on the gash.  Brushed my teeth.  It is 8:00PM and I think I am ready to get into bed.  I am setting my alarm for 5:00AM and won't get home until 8:00PM.  It is going to be a long night.

Good night, Everyone.  Sleep tight.

Tijuana - Day 20

Jesus, our driver, came in my room to tell me we will be leaving for the airport on Monday at 7:30AM.  He reminded me I had to have my Rigvir in my check-in bag and my prescriptions on my person in case I am asked by security to see them.  I cannot believe I leave in two days.  I cannot wait to see my boys.  My flight lands at 7:45PM.  And then we wake up on Tuesday and life goes on.

Life goes on with lots of laughing and love and not worrying and living.  It has been a LONG four years.  I am ready.

Blogging while glowing from the light pads on my chest, liver and back.
Scrambled eggs, avocado, sprouts, fruit for breakfast.  After I finished, I asked for a second.  And then, all of a sudden, I was very nauseous.  One of the side effects of the Rigvir is flu-like symptoms.  Not sure if that was the cause because two other people at the table started feeling sick also.  I couldn't eat my second helping.  Went and got in the bed.  After about 45 minutes, felt significantly better.  Went and got my second shot of Rigvir and went on with my day of treatments.

I went for a run along the boardwalk and got some good Vitamin D.  I felt good.  A couple times I thought I couldn't make it up a hill, but I did.  Ran nice and slow and it was only in the low 80s so that helped.  Did my push-ups, sit-ups, shoulder raises, and some biceps.  I have lost a lot of muscle mass from the steroids.  Have stayed the same in weight, but have leaned out even more.  On Tuesday, I will start weaning myself off the Dex and won't have to take that again.

Tomorrow will be a lot of lasts.  Last treatments, last meals, last visit with new friends, last time in my room, etc.  It will be bittersweet.  But I will be back in January.

I will try to post tomorrow night on my Sunday, but can't promise anything.

Thank you for coming with me on this part of my journey.  I can't wait to see everyone and give big hugs.  We did it!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Tijuana - Day 19

Two more wake-ups!

A week ago, I wasn't sure if I was ready to leave, but I am now.  I have learned a lot.  My head is clearer so I am able to retain more every day.  Ready to get home and organize again so my healing can continue.  I have talked to most patients and I think a year is a good timeline for complete, complete healing.  That includes, physical, mental, detoxes, etc.

I got my first Rigvir shot in my left shoulder.  Hurt, but not horribly.  They will be rotated: left shoulder, left hip, right hip, right shoulder, and repeat.

I will get an MRI of the head after that.  Right before I come back to Hope4Cancer for my follow-i[ visit.

When you first meet someone, you ask the same questions:  Is this your first visit or your follow-up?  What day are you on?  No one ever says the C-word in the same sentence as their name.  So the questions you ask are:  What brought you here?  What were your symptoms?  Did you do any Western protocols?

When you find out they are leaving, you ask what kind of results they have had.

You get an Ultrasound, xrays, bloodwork, and a Thermograpy when you first get here.  Then right before you leave.  So you leave with comparable results.

I have heard: "Clear."  "No blood supply to any tumors." (I didn't know, but that means the tumor is in necrosis (dying!)) "80% shrinkage."  And most of the time, this is after only three weeks!

For me, the only way to know is with an MRI.  None of the above things can be done for the head.  They can send me for an MRI here, but it would be out of pocket.  I will get one at home where my insurance will pay for it. So.....that means I won't leave with as much information on what the lesions are doing.  I can only go by my symptoms.  I talked with Dr. Curiel and Dr. Ojada and they both said that the fact that my symptoms are alleviating, we can only assume that they are shrinking.  I will take it!

I could get an MRI as soon as I get home, but I would rather wait.  I will let all the meds do their work, including the Rigvir that I JUST started taking, and then test before I come here.  I will probably make that appointment as soon as I make the appointment to come back here.  I will let everyone know so we can start sending good vibes for that scan.