

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I cannot believe it has been a month since I left Hope4Cancer.

What have I been doing since then?  The first week was awesome.  On cloud nine.  Then we went to the beach.  We had been planning that trip since the beginning of the year.  I was worried we wouldn't be able to go.  But we did.  We met my sister and her family there.  By the third day, I was down for the count.  Literally slept for an entire day.  They said I wasn't talking clearly and just seemed off.  By the fourth day, Jason had packed me in the car and off to the ER at 4 AM in the morning.

At first they thought I had meningitis.  Then they said no, it is a bacterial infection.  Ugh.  No, wasn't that either.  It was a UTI.  Apparently, women over 40, have the tendency with UTIs to have neurological problems.  I will take a UTI any day.

Came home and unfortunately, I didn't feel much better.  Then last week, Jason again thought I wasn't making sense. Turns out, i was very dehydrated, they gave me steroids and I got another MRI. Not good news. The lesions are growing.

We met with the oncological radiologist and my regular oncologist over the past two days. We are also in contact with my doctor in Mexico to see what they recommend.

At this point, have a new, old plan. We are restarting the Kadcyla that I had two treatments of before I left for Mexico. My oncologist felt that we didn't give it enough of a chance. I will have my first treatment tomorrow morning at 8:30am.

I know Tricia posted a meal train on the Ford's Go To Crew site. Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered to help. We really appreciate it. I am having a hard time focusing with reading so please bear with me if I don't return calls, texts, emails right away. Also, to everyone helping out with the boys, we can't thank you enough for bridging the gaps.

Keep sending prayers. Feel free to stop by and say hi. I will be honest and tell you if I am not feeling up to it. I'll try to post more soon. Love, Dawn.

We fight on!

(Katherine, for Dawn)