

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Facebook Love

I have had several people tell me they don't like Facebook because they don't feel that it portrays lives honestly.  I am always surprised when I hear this.  Their argument is, "Nobody's life can be that perfect all the time."  I don't think that when I do get on FB.  It makes me happy to see my friends happy.  I love to see pictures of their kids doing great things.  Because, for me, I look at the pictures and know their whole day wasn't that perfect. It was filled with children who didn't listen, children who whined, parents who stepped away to take a breath, and tempers that got away from us.

But in that one moment, everything fell into place.  A picture is taken.  The picture is shared with everyone.  Not because they want us to believe they are perfect.  But because they want to share some happiness in this crazy world.  Maybe it has to do with where we are in our lives and what OUR intent is when we post.  When I find something that makes my heart smile, I want to share that with everyone.  My intent is not to "fool" my friends into thinking my life is perfect.  In fact, I have posted many times of things or days that haven't gone perfectly.  But my intent is for others to laugh with me so we can get through our crazy days together.

I also love FB because of all the friends I have reconnected with from my past.  I think it is great that we don't have to talk all the time to still know how we are doing.

FB has been great because of how it has helped me in this crazy journey I have been on for four years.  I don't know of any other form of communication that can get action to take place as quickly as it has for me.  When I was diagnosed the second time, I had a village of people who came to help.  I just asked for help, and they came.

We found someone who prepares the kind of food I can eat.  She offered to make some for free for me to try it out, but we had to come pick it within the hour.  I was heading to an appointment and couldn't go get it.  My sister put it out on FB to see if anyone was available.  Within five minutes, AP said she would go get it.  My sister was floored  how quickly the problem was resolved.  It was amazing and I have even more amazing friends  (BTW, AP and I were just acquaintances at the time.)  I said, "If you need to beat cancer, you need to come to Marietta!"

And now I am going to ask for help again.  My MRI is on August 2.  Results no later than Aug. 5.  I am feeling really good.  My nails are growing for the first time in three years!  I am on my seventh day of no headache.  That is a big deal.  I feel really good about the results we will get - NED.

Again, only if you enjoy and are good at researching.  We feel like there must be one little part that is missing from my daily regiment.  Missing something we should stop doing or start doing to get complete healing.  I stick pretty close to what I need to do every day.  So what am I missing?  The Truth About Cancer is a great website.  Radical Remission is another one.  We have to be careful when we research.  If you find an article that looks promising, find several others to back it up.  It is helpful to me if you research it and then send me a summary of what you have found out.  Although it is great to receive a link, I just don't have time to look into them.  I always plan on doing that, but my day gets away from me.  And here is my day so you know why that is and what I am already doing....

Wake up
Drink 8 oz of water
Take 6 SPIRULINA, B-12, 5 drops of GRAVIOLI
Drink 8 oz of hot water with lemon and cayenne pepper
Make breakfast (usually eggs with onions, peppers, garlic, butternut squash, APRICOT SEEDS)
Make boys breakfast
Do dishes
Drink more water every hour
Hot tea

Make lunch (usually lentil pasta with organic sauce and raw veggies on top)
Make boys lunch
Take 3 chemo pills
Do dishes
Make WHEAT GRASS shot (2oz WG, 1oz lemon/lime, ginger)
Wash parts of juicer

Rest Time (usually from 2 to 5)
Hot tea
Depending on the day, I journal, read bible verses, color, write thank you notes, do enema, detox bath, listen to meditations, exercise, read, sleep)

Make another WG shot
Wash parts

Play with boys

Make dinner (salmon or a big salad or more lentil pasta)
Make dinner for boys
Take 3 chemo pills
Do dishes

Take a 30 minute brisk walk (50% less chance of reoccurrence)
Protein Shake (almond milk, vanilla protein powder, Turkey Tail mushroom powder, cocao powder, Jordan Rubin powders)
Hot tea

Before bed: 5 chemo pills
Fracinsense, Mryhh, cell defense, and cell support essential oils on roof of mouth, base of head, and temples

Throughout the day I take supplements....

Raw D3
Vitamin C Complex
Candida Cleanse
Milk Thistle
30 minutes of Vitamin D (the sun) unprotected, but not from 10 to 2pm

So what are we missing???

Monday, July 11, 2016

Stay Here, Mom

This post came up on my FB feed this week:


It is very apropos because it now has an even stronger meaning - stay here, Mom.  When I originally wrote that post, I thought I was through with all this stuff.  I am doing everything I can to make sure I stay here.  It's just a little harder this time.  But I've got this, Jack.  Thank you for being one of the many reasons why I wake up and fight.  Every.  Single.  Day.

My next MRI is on August 2.  We will get the results on August 5.  It is going to be a hard 3 days waiting.  Please pray, visualized, meditate on a diagnosis of NED (no evidence of disease).  We have had remission before and it came back.  NED is what I have asked God for one night.  Now every night I thank him for NED on August 5.