

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How To Help

When I submitted my video to The FoodBabe Video Contest, I was doing it to get my story out.  Not because I felt I could help other patients.  But because, when we started out on our journey, it would have been helpful to have met someone like my sister and myself.  Someone who had done the research.  Who had done a crazy diet.  Someone to help us start on which way I wanted to do my journey.

But even as I said that, I wasn't confident that anyone would want to hear what I had to say.  To hear about the crazy journey I ended up taking.

Enter my new friend, S.  She saw my video, found me on Facebook, and contacted me.  How crazy and awesome is that?  We have talked on the phone, texted, and she came over today to talk.  I wish I could have guided her more in her journey.  But that is what I have been saying from the beginning - I can only tell you what I did and what worked for me.  Everyone has to figure out for themselves what is best for them.  But I do feel, however, that I do have some good information for anyone looking to get toxins out of their lives.  Albeit food toxins, environmental toxins, body care toxins, and/or emotional toxins.

S said she is having a hard time telling people what NOT to bring into her house.  I totally get that.  Here were people wanting to help, wanting to bring me food, wanting to get me bath products, etc, and I couldn't use them.  How do you throw that back in someone's face?  There is no easy way.  Say you would like to exchange it?  That is rude.  Say you don't want it because is had bad ingredients/products in it?  Rude.  And people think you are overreacting.  I saw it in their eyes.  I still see it in their eyes when I say no thank you to the homemade cupcake.  It is hard.

I wrote a post awhile back thinking I was being so helpful.  http://raiseyourheads.blogspot.com/2013/04/chemoradiation-baskets.html  I just reread it.  Eye opening.  I was so far away from where I am today as far as what I am putting in my body and on my body.

That gave me the idea for this post.  What can friends do or give if their friend or family member has just been diagnosed and they decide to go the route of changing their diets and lifestyles to get rid of cancer naturally and/or in conjunction with treatment?  These are only my opinions.  But much better than the chicken with ritz crackers you were thinking about!

The first thing that always comes to mind is a meal.  It works out perfectly for the giver and the receiver.  The giver gets to lovingly prepare a meal that the receiver will get to eat and heal while eating it.  And when you are using your diet as a medicine, this becomes even more meaningful.  Everybody is going to change their diet differently, but I know all will come to the conclusion that anything in a  box or bag is not part of their diet anymore.  Prepare them a meal of quinoa with veggies.  Bring them a homemade smoothie made of veggies that are organic.  I did no fruit so find out if they are eating that or not.  You should drink a smoothie within a few hours so make it fresh.  Lentil pasta is really yummy with organic spaghetti sauce.  You can be creative.  Just NOTHING processed, please.

I have recipes I plan on sharing soon.  Recipes that I eat and are pretty clean and devoid of as many toxins as possible.  Stay tuned...

Even better than a meal is a gift certificate to Whole Foods or Kroger.  Eating raw and real food is expensive.  It is still one of my favorite gifts.  The patient needs to relearn how to eat so this forces them to walk the aisles, read packages, and figure out what their body needs.  Kroger has more than doubled the amount of organic products they carry in the six months since I was re-diagnosed.  I cannot vouch for Publix just because I don't shop there.  No other reason than it is further away from my house. (I did go to Publix last week and found it lacking in organic food.)

If you cannot afford a monetary gift, ask them if you can do some research for them.  Or go to doctor appointments to take notes.  The amount of information that is thrown at you is crazy.

Just show up.  Do the dishes without asking.  Just do it.  Do the laundry.  Don't ask.  Just do it. Take their kids to the park or out to lunch.  Don't ask.  Just do it.  Help clean their house.  Don't ask.  Just do it.

Just do it.

Give them a journal.  I truly believe that emotional toxins are just as bad as the ones we put in our bodies.  We ALL need to get rid of resentment and anger and fear and anything that isn't joy and calmness.  If they have kids, come over and MAKE them go relax.  During my 3 months of chemo, EVERY day I rested/journaled/meditated for 3 hours.  I didn't realize how much it helped me physically, emotionally, and my soul until I stopped having it every day.

Send flowers.  Or pick some up when you are at the grocery and drop them off.  Give a relaxing CD.  Give candles to burn.  I was only burning beeswax candles.  (Soy has been linked to cancer.)

I have lots of other ideas for more fun ideas, but don't like to write long posts.  Email me if you want other suggestions.  Dawning09@icloud.com

Thank you for helping your friends and family get through chemo and treatments.  We all need a team of people on our side and helping us get through this bump in the road.  Having help and support helps us look forward to getting over that bump and coasting down the other side cancer free and with smiles on our faces.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lost Email and Lost Memory

After I posted my initial information on the inhibitors I am taking, someone sent me a wonderfully detailed email about what exactly inhibitors do.  I cannot find it.  And I cannot remember who sent it.  (Claiming chemo brain) If you are that person, could you please resend it?  Thank you!!!