

Friday, January 22, 2016

Rashes and Patches

After my last post, my intention was to write at least once a week.  And then I got hit by an ugly rash.  Not only is it ugly, but it is horribly itchy and painful.  Many nights I was up until 4 am with ice packs on it hoping that would help.  Unfortunately, it was from head to toe so could only do so much.  Here are a couple pictures of when it was the worst.

I still laugh when I see it.  Thank goodness I can laugh because, at the time, it wasn't funny at all.  I couldn't open my one eye and, when I looked down, I couldn't see past my swollen cheeks. The thought is that I am detoxing.  My rash is 80% better, but still here.  Going on almost 4 months.  Hopefully, that is what it is and all that nasty is coming out.

We also think it might be nightshades.  I have never heard of that so something new to learn.  Research it if you are interested.  Here is one of many websites explaining it.  http://www.thepaleomom.com/2013/08/what-are-nightshades.html 

At first, I was excited that maybe we could stop this rash, but then I realized my already limited diet would be cut in half.  And my excitement went down.  My typical day of eating looks like this:  eggs with garlic, onions, and peppers with a side of tomatoes.  Lunch is usually lentil past with organic tomato sauce.  Dinner is a huge salad with tomatoes, peppers, etc.  So LOTS of tomatoes.  These last 2 weeks have been very hard for me as far as food.  But it is making me venture out and figure out other food I CAN eat.

On a happier note, my hair is coming in fast.  Unfortunately, so is the gray.  And even more unfortunate, all the gray seems to be just in the center of my head.  So I have what looks like a reverse mohawk or the cool new hairdo everyone is sporting - The Skunk.  I also have this lovely rectangular patch in the back of my head which I affectionately call my UPC.

There is actually hair in the middle, but it is so grey, it looks bald.
I am still tired all the time and usually sleep for two hours during the day - after sleeping 9 hours at night.  I am ready for that to stop!  I am still blessed beyond measure and have friends coming over four out of the five days during the week so I can rest.  I was hoping I wouldn't need that any more, but over the holidays, I didn't take the rest and it showed up in headaches, more fatigue, and me being very short with everyone.  So between 2 and 5 every day, I will still be healing and trying not to feel guilty about leaving my boys for that long EVERY day.

I am also having hours of lots of energy and my body is getting stronger.  So I cannot complain.

I am scheduled for my 3-month MRI on Feb. 8.  Although I am confident it will be great, the fear creeps in.  So prayers for calmness until then.  I appreciate those prayers more than you know.

My plan is to post more.  Including recipes on Friday.  Food Fridays.  Yes, I am a dork.  But I am getting more and more emails and texts about my food.

Please comment if you have any requests for Food Friday!


  1. Bless your little heart, Dawn! Can the rash possibly be from all the tomatoes? Hope you get a handle on it. Yay for your hair coming back, even if it is a skunk hairdo with a UPC code! You really make me laugh! Hang in there, girl! :)

  2. Dear Dawn: I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with a rash. And, yes, I agree with Paula. It could be the tomatoes. When I was younger tomatoes would cause me to break out in extreme eczema which runs in our family. Grampa Zimmerman suffered with it too! Your 'skunk' stripe story made me laugh because my step dad, Don, also had a 'skunk stripe for most of his life which we teased him about constantly! :) My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Aunt Cindy

  3. What an awful rash to be dealing with! I cannot believe how intense, red, and itchy it was. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck in expanding your diet to find ways to help with the rash.
