

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Post Surgery

My surgery went well and I was home by 11.  I was banished to the bedroom and I took one of the best naps I have had in awhile.  I woke up to my boys laughing.  Pretty good day considering what the surgery was for and how I have been losing sleep over worrying about the results.

We now get to wait for a week to hear whether this is my new normal or if it is something concerning.

Once again, I have been showered with an outpouring of love.  We have had 3 dinners delivered already.  I have received texts, emails, and phone calls.  And, most importantly, prayers are being said.

Keep them coming and hopefully I will have good news soon!

1 comment:

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you! We're in B'ham and George and Anne send their prayers and concerns, too. Love, George and BN
