

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Questions Answered

I have had a few questions since my last post.

My father is fine.  He scratched his eczema so bad that he developed an infection that caused his face to swell.  They released him after about 4 hours of an IV, antibiotics, steroids, and some topical cream.

Potty training has been going great.  He has gone number two in the toilet for the past five days.  I hope I am not jinxing myself, but feel we are finally there!  We have been back at work which means being in carpool for 30 minutes, running children to various activities, and no accidents.  We keep joking, though, that we better not get too happy because we have another son we will try this same method on in July.  Anything that was easy with Jack has not been with Charlie.

I am feeling better mentally.  When I wrote my post "Who Are You and What Have You Done With Dawn", I had slowly started feeling better.  Feeling like I was coming out of the fog that is post chemo.  I am not 100%, but not in that bad place.  (Jason may not agree.) :-)

Thank you for your encouragement, sweet comments, hugs, and letting me call you friend.

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