

Monday, November 25, 2013

Potty Training Day 3

I am on my own today.  We got a call from the home where my father is and he needed to go to the hospital with an infection.  Jason left at 8 to go get him.  We are also having our backyard renovated, so today is going to be crazy trying to potty train.

With this method, you have to stay attached to your child.  Your aim is to "catch" him when he is about to go and run him to the toilet.  Being positive is key and you don't ask him if they have to go.  You remind them to tell you when they have to go all. day. long.  I will try to recreate my morning so far.....

"Are you dry?"  "Good boy!"

"Tell mommy when you have to go to the bathroom."

"Are you dry?"  "Good boy!"

"Charlie, I can't hold you the whole morning."

"Mommy, I have to go!"  I pick him up and see there is already a puddle on the ground.  Run him to the toilet.  No more.  "Thank you for telling me!"  (Must keep smiling.  Must keep smiling.)  Clean up urine.

Phone rings.  It is Jason giving me an update on my father.  Charlie is crying.  I am trying to watch Jack for signs of bathroom activity.

Landscaping company is trying to get my attention through the door because they have a question for me.  I listen, while watching Jack, and try to answer their questions.  Charlie is trying to escape out the door.

"Mommy, I have to go!"  Put Charlie down, who starts crying, grab Jack and run to the bathroom.  He goes in the toilet!  "Good job, buddy!"  High fives and I give him a Skittle.

Charlie is whining.  I pick him up.  I give him some milk and am able to put him down.

"I have a runny nose!"  Did I mention his nose is running like crazy?  Grab tissue, wipe his nose.

"I have to go!"  I run and get him and put my hand right in urine that is running down his leg.  Run him to the toilet to let him finish.  Clean up urine.

The phone is ringing, but it is going to have ring.

"I have a runny nose!"  Grab tissue, wipe nose.

Is it too early for a beer?

I put Charlie down for a nap and take a deep breath.  It is only 10 am.  Now I can concentrate on Jack.  He tells me he has to go 3 separate times, but nothing happens.  The 4th time, he goes!  Cheers, high fives, give a Skittle.

I figure since he just went, I have ten minutes to clean up our mess from breakfast.  I am emptying the dishwasher and I hear, "Mommy, I went stink stink on the floor!"

Insert the sound of a beer opening....

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