

Friday, November 28, 2014

Subscribe To Our Mailing List

When I created this blog, I had no idea what I was doing.  I wanted to be cool and have a place where people can follow me and receive my posts via email.  I was so proud of myself when I thought I had figured it.  But I don't think I did it correctly.  Over on the right it says, "Subscribe to our mailing list".  What mailing list and who is this "we" it is talking about??

It does what I want it to do which means it sends anyone who filled it out an email whenever I post.  But I think it confuses people because I somehow picked the wrong thing to embed.  (I think that is the right term.  But haven't learned much since starting this blog!) :-)

Why am I bringing this up?  I have a friend who didn't know what was going on.  In my fog, I assumed if I posted and put it on Facebook, I could fill everyone in quickly.  Poor thing.  She showed up at my house and had no idea what was going on.  I was crying.  People were offering their help and advice.  And she just said, "I have no idea what is going on, but I am here for you."  

So....if you want to follow this new journey that I am on, please sign up to for "our mailing list".  That just means that when I post, you will get that post in an email.  I have had so many friends and family ask to be updated.  This is going to be the easiest and quickest way to do that.  Plus, it helps me to write it down and document everything.

Come along for the ride.  It should be interesting....


  1. Seems the "subscribe to mailing list" option is not available when viewing the blog via iPhone. Will log in to my computer and see if it's available there tomorrow.

  2. If you are on your phone try scrolling down to "view web version." When the new screen opens you should find the fields to fill in in the upper right corner. Good luck!

  3. When you are on a IPhone or smartphone, scroll to the bottom and click on "View Web Version". Then it should show on top right. Love you big sis. ��
