

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

PET Scan Day

My appointment for my scan was at 1:00.  When I woke up, I called to see if there had been any cancellations.  There hadn't been, but they said to call back in an hour.  I got a call before the hour.  Could I come in now?  Of course!  I hadn't eaten on purpose so we were all good.

Arrived, checked in (I have already met my deductible.  It is only Feb!), went back, had an IV put in for the dye, given a drink to drink half of, and then waited.

Another tech came in and told me I could drink the rest and she would come back in ten minutes.  We went back and got ready to start.

Wore my suspenders (Thank you, AA!) for good luck.  Hopefully this will be the last time we need the suspenders (chemo).  If you don't understand this, here is the post that will explain:  http://raiseyourheads.blogspot.com/2015/01/belt-and-suspenders.html

The scan takes about 10 minutes.  You have to be still with your arms over your head.  The "bed" moves in and out of the donuts.  The whole time I was visualizing a clean, healthy body.  I was also thanking God for a clear scan and asking for a positive sign from the tech.  When we finished, she seemed happy.  She told me to have a good day.  But who knows?

I couldn't be around the boys for 4 hours.  My friend had the boys so I went home and ate finally.  Then I took the dogs for a walk and relaxed for awhile.  Jason went and picked up the boys at 4.

I am still feeling pretty calm at this point.  My boys distract me.  The weather gets worse and I start getting texts saying that the weather is preventing them from coming.  We put the boys down and there is a knock on the door.  It's friends!  The boys are excited and we all come down stairs.  Hugs and laughs begin.  More friends show up.  We visit.  Get more hugs and they head home before the weather gets worse.  As they are leaving, more friends show up.  The boys are loving it!  More laughs and hugs.  Around 9:30, after a prayer, they head home.  We put the boys down and now we wait.

Still feeling pretty calm.  I think I will be fine.  I feel really good about the results.

My appointment is at 2.  I am to call at 12 to see if the results are in at that time.

Not sure if the weather will effect when I get my results, but we will hope for the best.  I will post updates as I get them.  Feel free to text me if you aren't on Facebook.  I really don't mind the texts.

Thank you for all the prayers, positive thoughts, and sweet messages.  Can't wait to celebrate tomorrow with everyone!

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