

Saturday, August 1, 2015

New Face of Brain Mets

When I was first told that breast cancer has a tendency to metastisize to the brain, I ignore it because that scared me.  Really scared me.  My first occurrence with BC was going to be a bump in the road.  Had a lumpectomy, it hadn't spread, wait until baby is born, start chemo, follow with radiation and we are done.

I didn't ask other people their stories after that.  Because it scared me.  In fact, before my initial diagnoses, I was my worse nightmare.   I thought about it a lot.  And when I would hear of other people going through it a second time, I would say a prayer, and try not to think about it.  So hearing of someone who had it come back, ugh.  I would physically get sick.

And then came my second diagnosis - State 4 metastisized.  The ground dropped out from me.  But I surprised myself - I dealt with it.  We assembled my team, got dirty, got mean, and started figuring this out.

I saw the looks in MOST people's faces.  And I got it.  Before me, State 4 - I would have thought, "Well, that is it."  And then I educated myself and knew that wasn't it.  But still, I saw the looks on your faces when I said I was meditating and visualizing and only thinking positive thoughts.  And to tell people about my diet, that got the most glazed over looks.  And people argued with me.  Almost angrily.  I wasn't being unrealistic.  I knew what I was up against.  But I knew I could do it.

And we did it.  The doctors said, "You will always have cancer in you.  You will always do chemo." And they left it hanging.  But 3 months later, it was gone.  GONE!  I was a miracle.  (Well, we are all miracles.) But I was a State 4 cancer miracle.

I want to be the new face of brain mets.  I want you to look at me and know that I am going to beat this.  I am already a miracle.  I am just not done yet.  When you tell my story, I don't want you to say:

     - Could you imagine?
     - It is so unfair.
     - After everything she had changed, how is this happening?
     - It is just so sad.

I do not want any negative thoughts coming me way.  AT ALL.

Instead, I would like for you to tell my story, BUT then tell them to watch because amazing things are happening every day.  That I am going to finish this fight once and for all.  That I am strong and capable and will be laughing at my boys' weddings and hold my first grandchild with tears streaming down my face.

I feel very strongly about this.  VERY.  I believe that you, as my team, are instrumental in helping me.  I believe in you.  I feel our visualizations and prayers and your pictures of a pink, healthy brain.  It lifts me up and empowers me.

So spread the word - Dawn Ford is doing something amazing.  Come and join me and watch the miracle continue...


  1. In my visions I see your beautiful smile and delightful energy.

  2. Dawn, yes! Healing light. Joy. Love. Believing. Healing. Peaceful.Grateful. LOVE. Sending positive, loving, energetic thoughts to you continuously ! Prayers always!
