

Thursday, August 27, 2015


I finally have some time to catch everyone up.  When I was first diagnosed, as I have said, I was pretty out of it for a couple weeks.  I wanted to update everyone, but I couldn't use my computer.  I would just sit and stare at the keyboard and the letters didn't make sense.  But I have posts in my head and will get them out when I can and let everyone know what has happened in the last  6 weeks.  (How has it been that long?)

In hindsight, I have had symptoms since March.  But that is when I had my tubes and ovaries out and when I noticed them.  I was dizzy.  About ten times a day, I would get a dizzy spell.  I assumed it was from the anesthesia.  After 3 weeks, I called my gynecologist and asked about it.  She said it was probably from my diet.  (Ugh.  My Western doctors just won't give my diet any credit and like to knock it down when they can.) I chalked it up to being tired and the inhibitors I am still taking.

I have always been a klutz, but I had been swaying here and there.  I would be walking and all of a sudden stumble/sway to the left.  Again, chalked it up to being tired and my general gracefulness.

I want to say my head hurt here and there, but I was a migraine sufferer from my teens until 8 years ago when I finally got rid of them from chiropractic care.  So not sure if I had pain in my head or not.  If I did, it wasn't bad.

And a chiropractors is how this all began.  My chiropractor, moved so I was in search of a new one.  After 8 weeks of not being adjusted, I found a new one.  He adjusted me differently than I had been adjusted for 8 years.  That was on a Thursday.  On Friday, I got up and ran with a friend at 6 am.  When I came home, I went out back to water my tomatoes while I cooled down.  My vision got weird.  One side was pitch black.  And the other side had swirls moving.  It was very discerning and scary.  But after about ten minutes (which is a long time when you are freaking out), it stopped.  So I chalked it up to getting up early, running, and being hot.  I continued on my day and within 30 minutes, I slowly, but steadily had a debilitating headache.  I had an appointment at 10 for acupuncture.  I looked for bowl to get sick in because I was not feeling well and went to my appointment.  30 minutes of acupuncture took care of the headache.  We assumed it was a combination of the new adjustment and my running.

Next Thursday, adjusted again.  Friday, I had another headache, but not until around 3:00 pm.  More acupuncture, and it is gone.  Took longer to get a headache, so my new chiropractor and I figured my body was just getting used to the new way he was adjusting me.

That weekend was good, but Monday and Tuesday, I had a dull headache.  Wednesday, July 15,  I had two appointments.  The first one I had a hard time pulling things out of my head.  More so than normal.  Again, I have chemo brain so wasn't too concerned.  My next appointment was a new natural path at 1:15.  Got there at 1, and my head is really starting to hurt.  I take some Advil and rubbed my temples until I have to go in.  I still don't know how I retained anything from the appointment.  My head was pounding.  I wasn't walking straight.  I bumped into the walls several time.  My left arm went numb on 3 occasions.  My left side of my face went numb.  It was pretty bad.  At the end of the appointment, she asked if I could drive.  I said no.  I took my phone outside to call Jason.  For ten minutes, I stared at my phone.  I could not find the J.  I tried saying the letters as they appear on the typewriter, but I just couldn't find it.  It was very scary and frustrating.

I went back in and asked the receptionist to press J for me so I could call Jason.  I talked to him.  I thought I sounded fine, but he said it was pretty scary.  He asked to talk to the receptionist and he asked if they could take me to hospital.  Thankfully we were close to North Fulton because I was not feeling well at this point.  I was afraid I was going to get sick in that sweet lady's car.

And the rest you know.  Scary words - brain mets.  But, hopefully now, you see that it isn't so scary.  I am still getting the sympathetic smiles and comments, but majority of my friends get it.  This is nothing.  This will be the final cure.

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