

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'd Rather Be Running...

It seems like it has been much longer than 2 days since I last updated everyone.

We had our first meeting of Dawn's Treatment Board on Sunday.  We invited over 5 people and my big sis.  My little sis was on speaker phone from Memphis.  My mother was on another speaker phone from Fort Lauderdale.  We talked for over 2 hours.  We explored all the options.  We shared stories.  We cried.  We laughed.  We prayed.  It was really good.

Where was my head at on Sunday night?  I felt we had done enough research for now and it was time to choose someone to start administering my chemo.  All the doctors said that the protocol that Volas-Redd (current oncologist) prescribed was the way to go.  So at this point, we just needed a doctor to order them and get them in my body.

I knew all along that we would do chemo.  Maybe not all of what she prescribed, and maybe not those types, but some kind of chemo.  In my mind, I still don't know how much I want to do, but I did know that I wanted to get some chemo in me.  We had waited 2 weeks (and aren't sure how fast the cancer is growing) and that was long enough.

Monday around noon, we met with Dr. Bradford at the IPT Center.  http://www.immunerecovery.net. We were really excited about this treatment.  I won't try to explain it to you.  I got the gist of it:  build your immunity up to help with the chemo (they would only use about 10% of chemo prescribed) and then your immune system actually becomes another "treatment".  Something else killing off the cells.  There is more to it, but that is all I got for you.  Unfortunately, we found some things out about the business side of it and are now weary of that particular clinic/doctor...

Last night, Jason and I talked.  We decided to go back to see Volas-Redd.  Be more frank with her.  Let her know what I wanted to do.

We woke up this morning.  Jason went to the office to demand to see the doctor.  Go, Jason!  I slept in.  Our hope was that he would get an appointment to see Volas-Redd and discuss everything.  I was going to go for a run and get some more supplies for my arsenal.  I have not run since my diagnosis.  It was time to see how my body was feeling after 2 weeks of crying, being scared, not sleeping, eating vegan and no sugar, and just feel alive.  I was so ready for a run.

As I was putting on my running clothes, Jason called and said that she can see us as soon as I get there.  So I went to the office in my running clothes because I would have time to go afterwards.

Dr. Volas-Redd was receptive.  I was to the point and almost forceful that I needed a doctor that was less robotic and more comforting.  Most importantly, I needed a doctor to agree with the holistic part of the arsenal.

The conversation went very well.  She was much more comforting and patient in answering my questions and explaining things.

This is what she wants to do.

- Chemo (3 drugs: Herceptin, Taxol, and Perjeta) every week.  Side effects will be minimal.  Probably won't bat an eyelash.  My hair will thin very slowly before falling out.

 -Two shots to put my body in menopause to stop my body from producing hormones which is fueling the cancer. We would do the shots only once a month.  Side effects are joint pain for about 2 weeks after the shot.  I asked her if there was long term effects of that and she said no.  She thinks since I am in excellent health (funny, huh?) and the joint pain will be minimal.  She is worried that I am getting too lean though.  They are also checking me for low iron since I am not eating meat.

-We will be taking out my ovaries.  Just not sure when.  Could be as early as 3 months from now or as late as 6 months from now.  If we did that first, probably would take about a week to schedule the appointment.  Then there is down time when I couldn't start surgery until my body healed from the surgery.  I WAS not comfortable waiting that long to get some chemo in me.

-She has been looking for a trial for me this whole time.  In fact, there was one trial I ALMOST qualified for but I had to be post menopausal.  She said she would have yanked my ovaries if that was the only thing keeping me from it, but it closed 3 weeks ago.  1 week shy of my diagnosis!!

- We will do another PET scan in 3 months.  (What is everyone's opinion on the safety/dangers of PET scans?)  Then reassess.  I like this because if we truly believe (and I do) that this diet is working, then we should see some great results and maybe, at that point, we could do less chemo, stop them altogether, or do other treatments.

-She is into holistic treatment and believes in it whole heartedly.  She is a Lupus patient and says she is in less pain because of her diet.

There was more crying and fear and frustration, but I told her I wanted a day to digest and we would start chemo tomorrow (12/10/14).  She said I can do what I want, but she would not be here tomorrow and she has to be.  But she could finagle a way for one of her partners to administer it.  I was good with that.

But other things we thought about:  Tuesdays don't interfere with holidays.  I had to do that one time - switch my schedule around for chemo and it is not fun.  Also, on Tuesdays, the boys are in school.  I know we have tons of friends who would glad play with them, but it is just smart.

So guess where I am?

I'd rather be running, but ready to do this!
To recap, we are still looking to see if we want to see another oncologist.  We can switch at any time.  But we are looking for a breast cancer oncologist.  Not a general oncologist.  My arsenal isn't set in stone.  It is ever changing.  We are taking things out of that backpack and putting other things in.  I am strong.  I can handle a heavy backpack.

I know that God is at work here.  I do not believe he has anything to do with cancer.  But he is putting people in my path and having different options come to us via friends and family.  You guys are his angles, and now mine.  Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Go Dawn!! You are MY Angel and Hero!!

  3. Praying for you! You're gonna beat this.

  4. You are a fighter! This I know! You will beat this too. Prayers are in order.
    Love ya, girl! Chiesa
